1. Placing Orders:
    Customers can place orders through our website or by contacting our customer service team directly.
    Orders placed via our website are confirmed immediately with an order number provided for reference.
    Orders placed through customer service will be confirmed verbally or via email.
  2. Order Confirmation:
    Once an order is placed, customers will receive an email confirmation containing details of the order, including items ordered, total cost, shipping details, and estimated delivery date.
  3. Payment Methods:
    We accept payments via credit/debit card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express) and PayPal.
    Payment is processed at the time of ordering. In the case of pre-orders or custom orders, payment terms will be communicated at the time of order placement.
  4. Pricing:
    All prices listed are in $ and are inclusive of applicable taxes and fees.
    Pricing for products and services are subject to change without notice, except for orders already confirmed by payment.
  5. Shipping & Delivery:
    Shipping costs and delivery times vary depending on the shipping method selected during checkout and the destination.
    Estimated delivery dates provided at the time of order placement are approximate and not guaranteed u
  6. Cancellations & Modifications:
    Customers may cancel or modify their order within 24 hours of placing it, provided it has not already been processed for shipment.
    To cancel or modify an order, customers should contact customer service directly with their order nu
  7. Returns & Refunds:
    Our return and refund policy details are outli
    Generally, returns are accepted within 30 days of delivery for eligible items, subject t
  8. Customer Support:
    For inquiries regarding orders, payments, or any other concerns, customers can contact our customer support team via contact information.
  9. Security & Privacy:
    We prioritize the security of customer information and adhere to strict privacy policies outlined in our Privacy Policy.
  10. Governing Law:
    This Order and Payment Policy shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws, without regard to its conflict of law provisions.
  11. Changes to the Policy:
    We reserve the right to update or modify this Orders & Payment Policy at any time without prior notice.